
Beach Town

Phew! Hot off the presses.
For those of you yawning from my previous, more lethargic tunes, this one is a bit more energetic. It builds on a lot of harmonies, and I'm quite proud of it. Hope you like it.

Also, I'd like to ever-so-sincerely thank everyone for supporting this blog and the music. I've received a ton of wonderful comments--I do my best to respond to all of them, but in case I missed anyone, thank you!

Beach Town

On the weekend, we would go out, to the beach and, mess around.
We’d play frisbee, and scope out the girls rubbing sunscreen, and ride our bicycles.

Where are all those Sundays hiding?
Are they still in your back seat lying
Next to my frisbee and sunscreen?

Back in high school, we both thought the same, we just played it cool, never played their game.
Cuz who wrote the rules, made for us to lose, said we couldn’t choose, just a buncha fools.

Where are all those Sundays hiding?
Are they still in your back seat lying
Next to my frisbee and sunscreen?
Where are all those high school days?
Stealing street signs and drinking under age.
That was my favorite phase.

Every weekend, in our beach town, we were best friends, nothing got us down.
If we got bored, you’d grab the surfboard, I’d take the boogie board, we never kept score.

Where are all those Sundays hiding?
Are they still in your back seat lying
Next to my frisbee and sunscreen?
Where are all our high school days?
Stealing street signs and drinking under age.
That was my favorite phase.

In the summer on the weekend we would go to the ocean
In the summer on the weekend we’d be moved by the waves

*Started writing this in Jacksonville and then finished up in California. Hence, Beach Town. =)

Creative Commons License
Beach Town is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.
Based on a work at emeraldelkmusic.blogspot.com.
Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at http://emeraldelkmusic.blogspot.com/.


  1. I love the upbeat background with your mellow voice - it personifies nostalgia. I love it. The refrain is beautiful - frisbee and sunscreen, great imagery. I'm really impressed.

    You saying it twice right off the bat was a bit odd, almost like you were really proud of that particular image and I thought it took away from it by saying it twice right at the beginning. I know it's supposed to lead into the fact that you're going to say the highschool portion next time, but it's just something to think about.

    Also in that particular highschool refrain, the "stealing street signs and drinking underage" is a bit rushed for the flow the song's taking. On the other hand the stealing street signs image is a great one and I really like it - total kudos for having it. ^_^

    But again, love the sound, all of the additions in the background remind me of a bustling beach boardwalk, just trying to enjoy a vacation. At the very least it brought enjoyable memories. Thanks ^_^

  2. I know where you're coming from, as I don't typically include much repetition in my lyrics. I wasn't so much "proud" of the repeated lines, just forming a more traditional chorus this time. Unusual for my songs, but I thought a more typical pop structure fit this one well. It makes it catchy while providing a platform for the later nuances and backing melodies. I'd say that it even seems like the foreground and background switch places towards the end..

    Loved your insight, "Strider." ~_^

    (PS. can anyone with a good system with subwoofer tell me if the bass hits come through thumpin? I wish I could listen to it on a decent set of speakers ><)
